Workplace evaluation

Evaluation is taken to mean the systematic collection and evaluation of load data and hazards of the employees in the respective work areas, the definition of measures against these risks and the documentation of this process in the health and safety documents.


  • existing risks to health and safety of the employees are to be identified and assessed, whereby the basic principles of risk prevention as per Section  7 of the ASchG are to be applied,
  • on the basis of this evaluation, measures for risk prevention are to be set,
  • the results of the identification and assessment of risks and the measures to be taken are to be recorded in writing in the health and safety documentation,
  • after accidents, when introducing new agents, when changing procedures or after incidents with increased work-related psychological stress etc., the evaluation and definition of measures are to be reviewed and adapted if necessary,
  • improvements in working conditions are to be aimed for.


The evaluation does not need to be carried out in line with any particular procedure. The approach can be selected according to the operating conditions. They must be oriented towards the type of workplace, the work processes and the technical complexity and also to the format of the work tasks and type of work, the working environment, workflows and the work organisation.

Please note

The employees or their representatives (safety representatives or employee associations) must be involved in identifying and assessing the risks and defining measures. These persons must have access to the health and safety documents created. The safety officer and the occupational health physician and, if need be, other specialists (e.g. chemists, industrial psychologists) must also be involved in the identification and assessment of risks.

Sources of possible hazards

  • use of hazardous agents
  • use of work equipment
  • electrical installation and equipment
  • unergonomic workplaces (e.g. for VDU work)
  • handling loads
  • noise, vibrations

The following institutions and their documents can be helpful for the evaluation:

Assessing risks and defining measures

After identifying the risks it must be assessed if, and if so which, measures are still required beyond the legal provisions and the prescriptions in the decisions.

For any intended measures that cannot be implemented immediately, implementation deadlines must be set accordingly. Furthermore, it must be documented who is competent and responsible for these measures.

Health and safety documents

The results of the identification and assessment and the measures to be implemented must be documented.

For places of employment in which no more than ten employees are regularly employed and in which there are no risks for which protective measures are to be set, a simplified health and safety document can be created.

Please note

Only the guaranteed contents of the health and safety documents are stipulated; the external form can be freely chosen. However, the Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (Austrian General Accident Insurance Institution), the Bundesarbeiterkammer (Austrian Chamber of Labour) and the Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (Austrian Economic Chamber) have worked together to produce a common documentation form which meets the legal requirements.

These documents must include:

  • Who evaluated what, where and when.
  • Which persons were involved.
  • The number of employees employed in the area to which this document relates.
  • What risks were identified.
  • If risks were identified, what counter-measures are planned.
  • Who is responsible for the implementation.
  • By when the measures should be completed.

These documents must – if applicable for this area – include the following information:

  • For what tasks inspections are necessary.
  • Which tasks require special expertise.
  • What personal protective equipment is used.
  • Information about specially marked areas
  • What preventive measures are to be applied for serious and immediate risks.
  • Inventory or hazardous agents used
  • Inventory of work equipment subject to an inspection obligation
  • Information about applied standards and directives
  • Fire safety code, evacuation plans, explosion protection document

As well as the provisions of the ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetz, the Mutterschutzgesetz and the Kinder- und Jugendlichenbeschäftigungsgesetz also contain provisions on identifying and assessing risks and documentation obligations. The provisions that apply to these specific groups of people must also be taken into account in the evaluation.

Drilling and processing work

Written instructions must be created for the performance of drilling and processing work. These instructions must also contain information about the use of protective equipment and rescue equipment and emergency procedures.

For dangerous work or normally harmless work that intersects with other work processes and that may therefore cause a serious hazard in its overall effect, a written work approval system must be put in place, including the necessary protection and rescue measures.

This can be omitted if the result of the workplace evaluation means that this is not necessary.

Enterprises affected

  • Essentially all establishments, apart from agricultural and forestry establishments, administrative departments and federal, province and municipal schools as well as private households.
  • Places of employment and external work sites for carrying out drilling work for finding or obtaining mineral raw materials, for searching for and researching geological structures, for searching for and researching the presence of geothermal energy and obtaining this energy and processing and conveyance work at finished boreholes.


In general, these regulations apply to all traders from EU Member States  in Austria.

Competent authority

The locally competent labour inspectorate ( BMAW)German text

Further links

Legal bases

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 16 January 2025

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy

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