Trade facilities

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Trade facilities are stationary installations intended for regular use in the framework of performing the activities of the respective trade. Examples of trade facilities are as follows:

  • shops
  • restaurants
  • hotels
  • garages
  • parking lots

Trade facilities subject to approval in accordance with the Gewerbeordnung (GewO) may be erected and operated only after approval by the authority (trade facilities approval).

Please note

The trades facility approval and the trade registration are two independent procedures. Therefore, the trade registration can be carried out even if a possibly required trades facility approval has not yet been obtained.

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A trade facilities approval is required for all facilities which – due to the use of machines and devices, due to operating procedures, equipment or for any other reason – are likely to affect specific protected interests set forth in section 74 paragraph 2 of the Gewerbeordnung (GewO) (e.g. protection of life or health of customers or neighbours). In principle, the decision on the trade facility approval is made in an standard approval procedure.

In some cases, the simplified approval procedure is provided for in order to reduce the effort of the trade facility approval procedure.It is for example applied if

  • the surface of the facilities does not exceed 800 square metres and
  • the connected wattage does not exceed 300 kW
  • or the type of the trade facility is named in the decree which identifies trade facilites that are subject to the simplified approval procedure.

Alteration of a trade facility under an existing permit will be subject to authorisation if this is required to satisfy the needs of protection as defined by law for such facilities. A request may be submitted to the district administration to clarify whether the alteration of a facility is actually subject to authorisation.

Further information on the procedure can be found under Further information - Trade facilities - Alteration.

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It may be that not only a approval under commercial law for trade facilitiesis required. The following permits, for example, may also be necessary

  • Obligation to obtain approval under nature conservation law
    Gemäß der Naturschutzgesetze der Bundesländer bestehen allgemeine Verpflichtungen zum Schutz und zur Pflege der Natur als Lebensgrundlage für Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen.
  • Obligation to obtain approval under water rights law
    Eine behördliche Bewilligung gemäß Wasserrechtsgesetz (WRG) ist bei der Benutzung von öffentlichen Gewässern über den "Gemeingebrauch" hinaus erforderlich.
  • Official building permit
    Im Baubewilligungsverfahren wird das Bauvorhaben hinsichtlich des Baurechts und des Flächenwidmungsplans geprüft.
  • Traffic and road access rights permit
    Bei möglichen Gefährdungen oder Behinderungen im Straßenverkehr sind zusätzliche Maßnahmen zum Schutz erforderlich.
  • etc.

For more information on other approvals, see Further Information - Other Approvals.

Legal basis

Section 74 of the Gewerbeordnung (GewO)

Translated by the European Commission
Last update: 12 January 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy