Real estate tax

The real estate tax is an object tax on property in Austria. It is collected by the municipalities in accordance with federal law, who keep the revenue from this tax in its entirety.

Real estate tax distinguishes between

  • A: agricultural and forestry assets and
  • B: real estate assets.

By applying a tax measurement figure to the unit value, the Tax Authority Austria determines the real estate tax base. The real estate tax base is then transmitted by the tax office to the municipalities. The municipalities apply assessment rates to calculate the annual amount of real estate tax. Under the Finanzausgleichsgesetz, they are entitled to apply a uniform assessment rate of up to 500 per cent on the real estate tax base when determining the tax.

Where it exceeds 75 Euro per year, the real estate tax is collected in four instalments on 15 February, 15 May, 15 August and 15 November respectively. Amounts up to 75 Euro must be paid once a year on 15 May.


A real estate tax base of 50 Euro times a 500 per cent assessment rate gives a property tax of 250 Euro a year, which must be paid in four instalments.

The owner of the property is liable for the real estate tax. The real estate tax can however be charged (pro rata) to renters as part of the running costs of a house.

Real estate tax exemptions

Long-term real estate tax exemptions

The Tax Authority Austria makes decisions about long-term real estate tax exemptions. Exemptions are, for example, provided for public transport routes, watercourses and for properties belonging to public authorities which are for public service or public use.

Temporary real estate tax exemptions

In some provinces, temporary real estate tax exemptions can be granted by the municipalities on the basis of provincial law, especially for newly created (subsidised) residential properties. The respective application must be made to the relevant municipality. More information is available from the municipal authorities.

Further links

Real estate and property ( BMF)German text

Legal bases

Grundsteuergesetz (GrStG)

Translated by the European Commission, altered by the Federal Ministry of Finance
Last update: 1 January 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Finance

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